Shopping Trolley Products

sMart new stystems to track and lock shopping carts

Our Products and services

Track and Lock Shopping Carts

Transform any trolley into a sMart Trolley with sMart Track™ or sMart Lock™. Two innovative products that will enable standard trolleys/carts to be tracked and located if they are abandoned or stolen. 

Smart Track™

TDMN’s sMart Track™ provides each trolley with a unique identity & trackability. Each durable unit utilises state of the art technology to send and receive information, providing accurate trolley/cart location data for speedy recovery. 

The sMart Track™ system monitors a store’s assets allowing trolleys to be tracked via an iOS or Android Service App or via the Trolley Data Management Network accessed via a PC or laptop.

Cash is no longer king!

Cash and coin transactions have dropped dramatically across the globe in the past ten years and is forecast to accelerate in the future. Fewer and fewer customers are carrying coins so why make things harder for customers by using a coin lock system for trolleys/carts?

sMart Lock™

TDMN’s sMart Lock™ incorporates the benefits of the sMart Track™ system with a digital coin that removes the need for customers to use physical coins to unlock trolleys/cart. The sMart Shop App(TM)  can either be downloaded for customers to use to unlock trolleys or the app can be integrated into stores own consumer apps to provide a seamless shopping experience.

sMart Services

TDMN will help you throughout the process:


We can conduct a thorough pre-installation check of your store or site to ensure the system works optimally.


Our experienced technicians can fit every sMart Track™ and sMart Lock™ system or provide training to your tech/maintenance team to do the installation themselves.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Through our trolley data management network, we identify the locations of all trolleys/carts, enabling you to respond to those that are sending out alerts for pick up or maintenance.


We can provide real time trolley/cart location services throughout the day, including detailed analytics on user behaviour.

Training and Support

During rollout, our team will be available to answer questions you or your customers may have. We can train and champion your team members in product information and basic troubleshooting.

Find out more about our innovative shopping trolley management system